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Lehi Cityscape

Parks Survey Results

Lehi City is always looking for ways to get public input in its planning and operations. As it looks at potential plans for the Peck property, the City decided to commission a survey to receive input from the public regarding what it would like to see in a potential park. The survey was conducted between August 26, 2013 and September 3, 2013 and advertised through multiple communication outlets, including direct email, social media, and the City’s website.

Some of the highlights of the survey results include:

  • 1,638 total respondents took the survey.
  • Of all respondents, 1,610 currently use Lehi’s parks, trails, or recreation facilities.
  • On average, 12.5% of respondents travel 1 mile to participate in outdoor activities, 52.5% travel 1-5 miles, 24.8% travel 5-15 miles, and 10.3% travel 15 miles or more.
  • 7.7% of respondents visit Lehi City parks on a daily basis, 50% visit on a weekly basis, 25.9% visit on a monthly basis, and 16.5% visit less than monthly.
  • 4% of survey respondents said Lehi needs a Mini Park (2-10 acres), 16.6% said Lehi needs a Community Park (20-50 acres), 7.5% said Lehi needs a Regional Park (50 acres or more), 4.9% said Lehi needs large natural open space preserves, 12.8% said Lehi needs trails with trail head amenities, and 13.1% said Lehi needs sports complex parks.
  • 50.5% of respondents said they would support a tax increase of approximately $5 per month to help pay for a new park, 19.1% said they would oppose a tax increase, and 30.3% said they don’t know if they would support or oppose a tax increase.

As part of the park design workshops that were held in October and November 2013, the City prepared a presentation of the results of the survey. Click on the links below to view the presentation that was provided at the park design workshops:

Parks Survey Results Presentation 1

Parks Survey Results Presentation 2

To view the complete survey results, click the link below:

Complete Parks Survey Results

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