The TMTH West Canyon development project is a 38.8-acre development located at approximately Gray Hawk Drive and Ravencrest Lane in the Traverse Mountain planned community. The City Council granted final approval of the project on January 16, 2018, pending the completion of a development agreement between the TMTH, LLC and Lehi City.
City Council Staff Report (January 16, 2018)
Proposed Development Agreement
The Mayor, City Council, Planning Commission, and city staff have received many comments from residents regarding this development project. We have received feedback from the Department of Environmental Quality, the State Department of Health, the Traverse Mountain HOA, concerned residents, and health professionals. The City Council considered all comments and recommendations before the City Council granted final approval.
As a city, we continue to be sensitive to the potential health risks of current and future development in our city. As we do not have the resources or expertise to evaluate these concerns, we will continue to rely on the departments designated by the State of Utah to make recommendations in this area. We will continue to seek the counsel and advice of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality and the Utah Department of Health. We will direct community members to send concerns and complaints to the respective departments.
We acknowledge the potential health risks associated with air pollution of all forms. We will continue to do what is within our power to limit its impact on our community while allowing private property rights to be recognized. As such, we will be creating an Environmental Sustainability Committee to address health and environmental risks, including air pollution, vehicle idling, storm water pollution and other potential concerns. More information about this program will be coming in the near future.
Letter to Residents from City Council
Cover Letter to EEP Assessment Report
Letter from EEP – Dated December 7, 2018
Letter from Utah Department of Health to Mayor Johnson – Dated November 1, 2021
Below is a summary of each meeting in which this project was on the agenda and the corresponding Planning Commission/City Council actions. Please see the meeting recording and minutes for complete details on these meetings.
Planning Commission voted 3-2 in favor of recommending approval of the concept plan. Commissioner Ellis moved to recommend approval and stated that dust mitigation, re-vegetation, impact on the environment, and other controls should be included as part of approval. Commissioner Everett suggested that the details of these controls should be a part of the fugitive dust plan.
City Council unanimously approved the West Canyon Concept plan for TMTH, LLC. Councilor Hancock moved for approval with the conditions that controls over hours of operation, timeframe to completion, and density shifts in the area plan be included. He also stated that the developer should place a bond to ensure grading of the school and civic sites.
Pre-Council meeting discussion on the West Canyon Development. Councilor Hancock and Councilor Condie expressed concern that the city and TMTH enter into a development agreement before the City Council vote on final approval of the area amendment. Their concerns included the $300 payment to the HOA per unit moved in the density amendment to the area plan, the proposed school and church sites, dust control, noise control, and the bond to ensure grading of the school and church sites.
The Planning Commission recommended approval for the proposed area plan amendment. The applicant provided an updated dust mitigation plan. The Planning Commission recommended conditions on monitoring and controls of the grading, dust mitigation, and time frame for development of the school and civic sites. The school and civic sites should be graded before the sites for residential units. The civic sites should be developed in 7 years; otherwise, it will be deeded to the city for a park or open space.
October 26, 2017 Meeting Minutes
The DRC reviewed the updated dust mitigation plan with the following comments:
The City Council tables the proposed area plan amendment to create a development agreement that ensures the previously proposed conditions are enforced.
The City Council tables the proposed area plan amendment again to allow additional time to review the proposed development agreement.
The City Council voted 3-2 in favor of approving the development agreement between TMTH, LLC and Lehi City. Councilor Hancock moved to approve the agreement with the following conditions:
(1) The HOA and TMTH, LLC have two weeks to come to an agreement on sections 2.2 and 4.3 of the proposed agreement
(2) If the above parties are unable to reach an agreement, the city will include the items in the agreement and become the recipient of the $100,000 a month penalty for the developer exceeding the three-year completion timeline (up to six months)
(3) Any payment for extension of the project be used 100% on projects in Traverse Mountain.
The motion authorized the Mayor to sign the agreement once it is completed.
The City Council voted 3-2 in favor of approving and adopting the Traverse Mountain Area Plan. Councilor Hancock moved to approve. His motion stipulated that the amendment should include all previous comments. He also clarified that the amendment allow a minimum of two bond cycles, not to exceed 10 years, for a school to be completed on the designated site. This approval is contingent on the execution of the development agreement.
January 16, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Dr. Sam LeFevre of the Environmental Epidemiology Program (EEP) of the Utah Department of Health presented to the City Council in the pre-council meeting regarding fugitive dust and it’s potential health risks.
153 North 100 East
Lehi, Utah 84043
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.