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Lehi Cityscape

Daycare / Preschool Rules

Child Day Care, In Home – Is the care of children within a family residence that provides care for five (5) or more children but less than eight (8) children (type 1) (including infant child care and  family child care as defined by the Department of Human Services) under 14 years of age for more than three (3) hours at one time, and complying with all the requirements as licensed and monitored by the State of Utah Department of Human Services. “Child day care” does not mean care provided to children by or in the homes of parents, legal guardians, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, or aunts. (Lehi City Code)Child Daycare, Commercial – Is the care of children within a residential or nonresidential structure providing for the care, supervision and protection for nine (9) or more children but less than (16) (Type 2) and complying with all the requirements as licensed and monitored by the State of Utah Department of Human Services. For the purposes of this Code child day care (Commercial) includes pre-schools offering educational programs to thirteen (13) or more children at any one time. (Lehi City Code)In the case of child day care, no more than six (6) children will be allowed at one time. As used in this Section,  child  means a child of a person other than the care provider and any children of the care provider who are under the age of four. A care provider may not provide care to more than two children under the age of two. (Lehi City Code)

Child Pre-school Is the care of children within a residential structure, providing for the instruction and/or education of no more than twelve (12) children four years or older for less than three (3) hours at one time. (Lehi City Code)

In the case of in-home child instruction (including, but not limited to preschools, dance, music, art instruction, etc.), the Planning Commission may not allow more than twelve (12) children at one time. (Lehi City Code)

Day Care/Pre-school – (Rules adopted by the Fire Prevention Board and IFC)

  • Daycare/Pre-schools shall have on each floor occupied by clients, two separate means of egress, arraigned so that if one is blocked the other is available.
  • Daycare/Pre-schools that is located in the basement or on the second story shall be provided with two means of egress, one of which shall discharge directly to the outside. If the daycare is located on the second floor of the building it shall have a sprinkler system installed as per IBC Chapter 4.
  • Daycare clients under the age of two shall not be located above or below the first story (main level).
  • Daycare/Pre-schools shall have a portable fire extinguisher on each level occupied by clients, which shall have a classification of not less that 2A:10BC and shall be tagged and serviced each year.
  • Daycare/Preschools located in split entry / split level type home in which stairs to the lower level and upper level are equal or nearly equal, may have clients housed on both levels when approved by the authority have jurisdiction. (Fire Marshal).
  • Rooms in Daycare/Preschools that are provided for clients to sleep or nap shall have at least one window or door approved for emergency escape.
  • Heating equipment in spaces occupied by children shall be provided with partitions, screens or other means to protect children from hot surfaces and open flames.
  • Day Care/Preschools shall have single station smoke and CO detectors in good operating condition on each floor occupied by clients. Battery operated smoke detectors shall be permitted if the facility demonstrates testing, maintenance, and battery replacement to ensure continued operation of the detectors.
  • A fire escape plan shall be posted in a conspicuous place and all staff will be trained on the escape plan and procedure.
  • Fire drills shall be conducted monthly and shall include the complete evacuation from the building of all clients and staff.
  • There shall be sufficient adult staff to client ratio to allow for safe and orderly evacuation in case of fire.
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