Incident Date(required)
Referred By (required)
Referred By Email (required)
Incident Address (required)
Child's Name (required)
Child's Sex (required)
Child's Date of Birth (required)
Child's Address (required)
School Currently Attending
Grade 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th Mother/Guardian (required) Mother/Guardian Home/Cell Phone (required) Father/Guardian (required) Father/Guardian Home/Cell Phone (required) Where did the incident or fire occur? Source of Ignition matcheslighterother If another source than those listed, please identify the source: Were others involved in the incident? yesnounsure If yes, list the names of the other parties involved: Were smoke detectors present? yesnounsure Did the smoke detectors activate? yesnounsure If the detectors were not present or they did not activate, please explain why:
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention
Victim Services
Program Information
Get Fit Lehi
Solar Power
Literacy Center Staff
Rippy Literacy Center