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Justice Court

Justice Courts are authorized by the Constitution of Utah, and are established by counties and municipalities. While operated by counties and municipalities, Justice Courts are a part of the independent judicial branch of government. Justice Courts have authority to deal with class B and C misdemeanors, violations of ordinances, small claims, and infractions committed within their territorial jurisdiction.


  Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  Closed on Holidays. 

The Court will be closed on Thursday, March 27. A clerk will be available by phone from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The Court will be closed on Friday, March 28 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. A clerk will be available by phone during those hours. 

court Schedule

Find the Lehi Justice Court Calendar online.

court forms

traffic cases


Fingerprints can be completed free of charge at the courthouse for Lehi Justice Court cases.

Fingerprint Schedule: Thursdays 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Please call the Court to confirm schedule prior to arriving for fingerprints. 

No fingerprints will be done on Thursday, March 27.

Court Rules

To ensure the safety of court patrons and the efficiency of court proceedings, the following rules are enforced by Lehi Justice Court:

  • Weapons, illegal items, or contraband are prohibited in the courtroom.
  • All persons entering the courtroom must pass a security screening. All bags and packages will be searched before being allowed in the courtroom.
  • Proper attire must be worn in the courtroom. No hats, sunglasses, tank tops, shorts, flip flops, or similar articles of clothing.
  • Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off or placed on silent while in the courtroom.
  • No audio or video recording or photography is allowed in the courtroom without prior approval from the judge.
  • Do not come to court intoxicated or impaired by other substances. This may result in arrest, new charges being filed and/or being held in contempt.
  • Children are permitted in court, but you may be asked to remove disruptive children or reschedule if necessary.

Scout and School Groups

Scout and school groups are welcome to visit the court and talk with the judge (when time permits). Court session times and days vary, so please contact the court clerk to schedule an appointment.

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