For general assistance and information our customer service agents will be able to help you or direct your call to the appropriate department within the city.
To speak with a customer service agent for more information
call us at 385-201-1000
Lehi City utilities include power, water, and sewer. Garbage services are normally included, but may be provided through an HOA and not paid on your Lehi City utility bill. Lehi City does assess a $30.00 set up fee for each utility set up. Click here for the 2025 Waste and Recycling Calendar.
Online utility payment is powered by Xpress Bill Pay. Visit xpressbillpay.com to create an account and pay your bill or set up autopay. Utility payments can also be paid in person at 153 E 100 N (City Hall) or you may use our drop box in our parking lot.
Business licenses are processed through the Information Center. A valid Lehi City Business License is required for businesses within the limits of Lehi City. Visit the Business Licensing page for more information.
On-line Pavilion, Pool, Camping, Community Room Reservations
Senior Center Community Room Rental
Special Event Permit
For more information on reservations and rentals, visit the reservations page.
Lehi City is a designated passport acceptance facility. Appointments are required. Book your Passport Appointment online or call the Information Center at 385.201.1000. You can visit our Passport page for more detailed information.
The Information Center offers fingerprinting services for the general public during regular office hours. (Monday – Friday 8AM to 4:30PM)
Our fingerprints are NOT sent to BCI electronically, but we are able to provide up to four copies of your prints.
Cost: Lehi Resident: $10.00
Non-Lehi Resident: $25.00
Notary services available to the public. No appointment necessary.
153 North 100 East
Lehi, Utah 84043
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Holidays
For current city alerts, visit the Emergency Management page