The Planning Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. The Commission is comprised of seven citizens from representative areas around the community. The Planning Commissioners are volunteers who donate many hours of service each week to the City. Members are appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, and serve for three year terms.
Individuals may serve as an Alternate for up to three years, which do not count towards their terms on the Commission. Years served filling an existing seat also do not count towards terms on the Commission.
Planning Commission By-Laws 2025
The Planning Commission holds their regular meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:00 pm and a work session meeting on the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm at the City Council Chamber, 153 North 100 East. However these dates are subject to change and/or cancellation due to holidays, City events etc. Please check with the Planning and Zoning Department for specific meeting dates.
Planning Commission Meeting Schedule 2025
The Planning Commission has recommending authority on some items and final approving authority on other items. The Planning Commission has final approving authority for site plans that are permitted uses or conditional uses. In granting approval, the Planning Commission may only consider whether the applicant has met all of the requirements of the ordinance. If the ordinance is met, the Planning Commission must approve the applicant’s request for approval. If the ordinance has not been met, the Planning Commission must deny the applicant’s request for approval. Issues such as overcrowding of schools, general traffic increases, obstruction of neighbors’ views, and the financial viability of a project are not written requirements of the ordinance, therefore the Planning Commission may not consider them.
When the Planning Commission has recommending authority, they make recommendations to the City Council who will hear and decide the item at a later date. The Planning Commission is concerned with land use issues and works to encourage planned and orderly growth within the City. They make recommendations to the City Council regarding the General Plan, Zone Changes, Subdivisions and ordinance revisions/amendments that will implement the desired goals of the City.
All Planning Commission meetings are public meetings, which means that they are meetings held in a place where the public can listen and observe. The Planning Commission Chairperson has discretion whether to invite public comment. Some items in a public meeting are also required by law to be public hearings which means that there will be time during the hearing where the public has the right to make comments if they desire. If the item before the Planning Commission is a public hearing , the staff will introduce the item to the Planning Commission. The applicant will then make a presentation followed by questions from the Planning Commission. The Chairperson of the Planning Commission will then open the public hearing and return the discussion solely to the Commission for discussion and resolution.
The Planning Commission welcomes public comment and desires to be fair. Please follow these guidelines: