The Building and Inspection Department handles and issues all building permits for Lehi City.
The City has certified inspectors who are qualified plan examiners and inspectors for all types of building construction with the purpose to promote a safe and professional building quality for Lehi City.
All permit applications must be submitted through the Building Permit Submittal Portal.
Developers and contractors can now check the status of inspections. You will need either the building permit number, the site address, or the subdivision and lot number.
Connection & Impact Fees Updated 1/1/2025
Permit Application form 1/2023
Contractor Hold Harmless Agreement
All plans are to be submitted electronically. This includes permit applications, compliance checks, structurals, and geo tech reports. Reviews will be done digitally and plans will be stamped on each page for inspectors to check for current approved sheets. Contractors will be responsible to print a hard copy of the approved plans showing the City’s stamp and have them on the job site for every inspection.
New Commercial Permit Requirements
Commercial Remodel Permit Requirements
Residential Detached Garage or Shed
Enter Portal Here – Submit all applicable documents for your project
Commercial and Residential projects that include solar power must also submit an application to the Lehi City Power Department. Visit the Power Department website for information on solar power in Lehi.
153 North 100 East
Lehi, Utah 84043
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Paula Greenwood
Tamie Brems
Arnie Hunt
Evan Gordon
Gary Smith